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Roll Trigger as a Training Device

bruce martindale
james r chapman
Jon Eulette
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Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 Empty Roll Trigger as a Training Device

Post by Soupy44 Tue Mar 19, 2019 10:27 am

First topic message reminder :

My question for all of you mad scientist coaches, would it be a good idea to get a long roll trigger now and use it until I notice it holding me back?

I'm on KC's waiting list for him to upgrade my Range Officer and want him to put a roll trigger in.  I'm about 2yrs into the sport and shot a PR Sunday of 2453 borrowing a 1911 with a long roll trigger from a friend.  My previous PR was 2383 in October using the same borrowed gun, but shooting a load that barely functioned the gun (9 saved rounds).  And before that using my 4lb crisp trigger Range Officer I was shooting around 2300.  The trigger has been my struggle since I started pistol (smallbore background, 20yrs of shooting a 1oz 2-stage trigger).

What I'm thinking about is going with a long roll trigger with this gun as a training tool, and then either getting a new gun with a short/medium roll when I hit MA/HM.  I liked the long roll because it gave me feedback that I was making progress on the trigger.  As I was warned and as I fatigued on Sunday, I noticed I was anticipating the shot more due to the long roll.  Ended up with some low left shots due to that.  It's easy for me to say that's on me.

Anyone have any strong opinions on this plan?  Weak opinions appreciated too!


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Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger as a Training Device

Post by Avalanche Sat Nov 20, 2021 2:05 am

Jon Eulette wrote:Long roll is good for extreme newb to get them to feel the trigger moving. You will actually out grow it pretty fast and it will hold you back. Shouldn't go any longer than a mediumish roll. Your hold must be Godlike to shoot a long roll.
"Your hold must be Godlike"  Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 1f602  Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 1f602  Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 1f602


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Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger as a Training Device

Post by Froneck Mon Jan 03, 2022 6:38 pm

The problem with long and short roll is just how much is long or short? As for myself I like what I put on my trigger to be a short up-hill roll in that increasing pressure in required to keep the trigger moving the short distance I like. I don't like the down-hill roll where by trigger pressure decreases after moment begins! To me it feels like crisp with a lot of over-travel!
 However I have been asked to feel triggers of quite a few 1911s, what I was told is long roll seemed short on some and very long on others, that's also true for short roll. I have found the amount of roll depends on who is feeling it. That is also true with crisp, quite a few triggers that were supposedly very crisp I could feel roll or movement.
 I would think the best is to use what feels best, training with something that is not intended to be use in the future is the wrong approach. As skill improves and more is learned as to what works better it can be altered. To me it sound like using a pistol with poor accuracy to learn how to shoot good scores! Learning to do what is required is better than learning what NOT to do!


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Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger as a Training Device

Post by Jack H Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:24 pm

I like the "uphill" description.  Increasing pressure whether moving (roll) or not (crisp)
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Roll Trigger as a Training Device - Page 2 Empty Re: Roll Trigger as a Training Device

Post by mhayford45 Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:14 pm

I found as my trigger control improved, or I understood trigger control better, that I wanted a very short roll or crisp trigger. I "saw" that with a medium or long roll trigger that timing the pressure build on the trigger and break of the shot to coincide with the dot being just before or centered in the black was more challenging than timing with a crisp let off of the trigger. i.e. my hold is not GOD like.


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