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NRA Leaving Camp Perry

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by john bickar 4/26/2019, 7:00 pm

First topic message reminder :

"The NRA Competitions Division has advised the CMP that this year's NRA Pistol Championships will be NRA's final competition at Camp Perry, Ohio. The decision to move all NRA championships to Atterbury, Indiana, is a business decision made solely by the NRA. The NRA believes this move will better position it to focus on the continuing battle to protect this country's Second Amendment rights.

The CMP is saddened by the decision, but respects the NRA's need to chart its future.

CMP remains fully committed to Camp Perry and the historic National Rifle and Pistol Matches which have been held there continuously since 1907. CMP will move forward to grow the Camp Perry matches and to continue modernizing the ranges in its partnership with the Ohio National Guard.

CMP and NRA are not at odds. Both organizations look forward to partnering in future competitions serving all competitors."

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by Slartybartfast 5/22/2019, 8:16 am

Danehogle wrote:it is up to the match directors to add their matches to the list. 
There are several tutorial videos on how to use the site. Score cards, and other tools for the directors and the shooters are there for use.

I keep saying it. But having yet another place to fill out information doesn't look like a way to help match directors when the other places that need to be filled out aren't always done.

Once I got in contact with a match director I was able to get all the upcoming dates for all the years matches. Yet their State level organisation doesn't have any up-to-date information.

Going to point that out to match director at some point, but they're bending over backwards to make it possible to participate in an upcoming event. So I don't in any way want to come across as critical of their efforts.

In a perfect world, a group like PSM would step in to do the things the NRA/CMP don't do well and to support local and state organisations for websites, calendars, and running matches. But between NRA, NSSF, CMP, USAShooting, IDPA, IPSC, American Smallbore Shooting Association... and now PSM there doesn't seem to be even rudimentary cooperation in areas like range and match director listings and calendar/event sharing.

Each organisation, new and old, seems to want to ultimately be the ones in control of some or all aspects of the sport or a given discipline. The various disciplines would be better served IMO with promotion of grass roots competition from national and state level organisations and more inclusive "bigger tent" approach to national level competition. The difficulty is getting more people involved and each keeping to a specific focus.

All just my opinions and observations as a new participant in the sport looking at the confusing mess. And I could go on even longer about how much more opaque and uncooperative all the organisations up here in Canada seem to anyone trying to find a way in to the sport from the outside.

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by james r chapman 5/22/2019, 8:23 am

Well, the organization approving matches ultimately should be responsible for posting match schedules.
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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by Danehogle 5/22/2019, 10:21 pm

Are you talking about USA shooting? 
And how have trap, skeet done?

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by james r chapman 5/23/2019, 5:18 am


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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by dronning 5/23/2019, 6:38 am

Just a quick over view of some of the other shooting disciplines.


Just crawling around their websites:

  1. They all link or list rules
  2. They all list their Mission Vision
  3. They all list events
  4. They all list match results, a couple link/points you to a scoring/results site, some you must be member to see.
  5. Most list National records, some list milestones (aka 2600 club)
  6. Most provide a "Find a Club"
  7. Some list all members, ATA lets you create Buddy Lists so friends can keep track of each others scores
  8. Precision Rifle Series lists members and their equipment - makes sense for this genre
  9. Transparentcy: A couple list all National committee minutes/notes, even from phone calls
  10. Most list news relating to assoc. or related info.
  11. NSSA allows clubs to bid on National events and alternates between East & West locations
  12. ...... there are other great features too. 

- Dave

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by James Hensler 5/24/2019, 5:26 pm

Wonder how we are going to shoot the long line when they only have a 25 yard pistol range????
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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Shooting Sports USA article Camp Atterbury

Post by TonyH 6/10/2019, 7:25 am

Article about the NRA National Marksmanship Competition Center at Camp Atterbury, IN from the June 2019 edition of Shooting Sports USA......not a whole bunch new but here it is anyway for your reading pleasure:
NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Attachment
Camp Atterbury Article.pdf You don't have permission to download attachments.(747 Kb) Downloaded 36 times

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by jmdavis 6/11/2019, 1:40 pm

Yea, it's going to be interesting to see a 300 point covered pistol range with turning targets and both 50 and 25 yards built on a government facility in less than 1 year. Specification of equipment, sourcing equipment, dirt work, concrete work, covers built, sound system installed, turning target system installed, not to mention environmental studies and hand wringing. Rifle was able to move because they moved into a somewhat working facility, albeit one that lacked sufficient parking and other amenities. But it was complete. I wonder how much improvement has gone into the rifle side so far in the past 3 years?

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

Post by Danehogle 6/11/2019, 3:25 pm

It certainly does make one wonder.....

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NRA Leaving Camp Perry - Page 6 Empty Re: NRA Leaving Camp Perry

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