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Ruger mark 3 platforms

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Ruger mark 3 platforms Empty Ruger mark 3 platforms

Post by rfmarshall Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:25 am

I am getting ready to purchase a mark 3 and would possibly try my hand at bullseye shooting at a local club, never done it before it would be totally new for me. There are different models of the ruger mark 3, target, hunter and competition, besides looks what is the big difference between these 3 platforms, would one be better than the other for bullseye shooting? Would the longer 6.88 inch barrel be better than say the 5.5 inch bull barrel? Any suggestions on one of the mark 3's would be appreciated. Do you guys have a preference over the mark 3 or the 22/45 style grip? Last question, a good red dot sight that won't break the bank?


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Join date : 2014-09-03

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Ruger mark 3 platforms Empty Re: Ruger mark 3 platforms

Post by Fire Escape Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:58 am

You know I hate those guys who when someone asks which white XX should I buy reply with 'get a black one.

That said, I am going to be that guy and suggest that you at least look for a Mk II. There is nothing about the Mk III that is an improvement in the mind of anyone other than corporate lawyers. You can remove some of those 'improvements' and make it a very nice bullseye gun to shoot but it will not be a legal bullseye gun (as I understand it, perhaps it does not matter in smallbore) once any so-called 'safety feature' is compromised.
None of that matters at the level I shoot, fun only competition at my club does not involve firearm inspection other than to compare notes. With a few part changes my buddies Mk III Hunter (all he could find at the time) is now every bit the equal of (or better than) my Mk II Competition Target.
My preference is for the long barrel (and heavy) Competition version. The 22/45 should be an asset in swapping back and forth with a 1911 but I struggle too much with the 'magazine angle is different than grip angle' when reloading and that is enough to cancel out the 'better' grip angle for me !
Have fun and Welcome.


Fire Escape

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Location : New Hampshire

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Ruger mark 3 platforms Empty Re: Ruger mark 3 platforms

Post by desben Wed Sep 03, 2014 8:53 am

I picked the 22/45 Target model myself, with the 5" barrel. I used to shoot the regular steel Mk.III at my club, and it gets heavy after 2 hours. My pistol is 33 oz, vs. 45 oz for the Competition. The longer barrel has the advantage of a longer sight radius when shooting iron sights, but if you're going to use a dot, it's probably just extra weight.

If you pick a 22/45, make sure to get the one with replaceable grip panels. Several shooters find the plain molded grip too thin. Plan on getting some volquartsen bits (sear at least) and an after-market hammer bushing to get rid of the magazine disconnect.

I agree that an MkII would be more desirable, but that means buying a used gun. When going new, the MkIII is your only option, and really, it's a good gun.

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Ruger mark 3 platforms Empty Re: Ruger mark 3 platforms

Post by rfmarshall Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:52 am

Thanks guys I appreciate the info.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2014-09-03

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