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Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by LateBoomer 11/24/2014, 10:51 am

Hope everyone is well. I will be in need of an airline friendly gun case shortly and was hoping to use a pelican case. I've seen pictures online of ones modded to accept the scope mount but never really see details on which pelican case model is best or how they ensure the case door locks at 90 degrees. Does anyone have any insight? ideally I'd need to store 3 pistols max vertically w/o dots and the small NG spotting scope with room to spare for mags and tools.


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by DavidR 11/24/2014, 11:17 am

If you use the search feature you can find several topics about this, this one will answer most of your questions.


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by LateBoomer 11/24/2014, 11:23 am

So that's what the search button is for!


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by LateBoomer 11/24/2014, 9:31 pm

Ordered a Pelican 1550 Case!  Thanks for the help.  I'll let everyone know how it comes along.


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by DavidR 11/25/2014, 10:12 am

sure post the picks of how you fix it up, cheers

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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by CR10X 11/27/2014, 6:52 am

Did you order the lid stays as well?  You have to do a search of the site to find them sometimes.   Be sure to measure carefully when installing if you want the lid to be at precisely 90 degrees.  Scope mounting is sometimes a little more work depending on what scope you have and if not careful the scope and mount can take up a lot of useful space.  Lastly, everybody seems to get the cell foam and pick out for the guns.  If you are using for bullseye guns and others as well (free pistol, air, etc.) you might want to look at the dividers versus the foam.  Its easier to switch around when you want to reconfigure.  Doesn't cost much to get both.  Just some experience, I've built a couple and sold them over the years.


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by LateBoomer 11/28/2014, 9:29 pm

Well, something wen't wrong with my 1550 order.  I was thinking that I might use this as a smaller 2 gun box and was considering a Pelican 1520.  I don't shoot dots often enough to need the extra height and even so i could always take them off.  Does anyone have any feedback regarding the 1550 vs 1520 case?  

CR, which lid stays do you suggest?  My spotting scope is a small NG, so it's size shouldn't be an issues.  I think i'll take your advise and get the adjustable dividers.  Thanks.  

Do you have any pictures of the boxes you've built over the years?


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Travel Gunbox - pelican case? Empty Re: Travel Gunbox - pelican case?

Post by CR10X 11/29/2014, 7:39 am


The lid stays are generally on the website.  Last time I found them under the "Storm Case" accessories.  If you can't find it, just call Pelican at the service number.  The lid stays don't have any issues with how the scope is mounted. 

If you are talking about the mount for the scope, with an NG you can use the Standard Gill Hebard from a mounting standpoint.  The issue is getting a base plate in the lid that is high enough for the scope arm to clear the lid lip.  Therefore, when closed the scope mount and scope protrudes further into the usable space in the bottom.

But depending on the height of the open lid and box when on the bench, you might want to check out the extra long scope mount versions like Larry's Guns carries. You don't want to be bending over every time you want to scope a shot. Depending on the case size, there might have to be some trade off there.

Don't have any pictures.  Like I mentioned, its cheap to get foam and dividers.  You can have custom cutouts for the most used guns, and use the dividers for other times or changes. 

For a true bullseye box, most people do not remove and replace dot's because of the additional sighting in needed when changing.  If this is just a general box, then it would not be an issue.

Anyway, it's fun trying to get the "perfect" box for each use.  And I'm still looking. Hope this helps.


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