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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Jon Eulette
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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by unbezwingbar 2/1/2018, 1:22 pm

Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the forum, and Bullseye shooting in general. I purchased a Ruger Mark IV series pistol back in November, and I keep getting FTF and stovepipes when I shoot. It seems to be at least twice a match, during our weekly league, and once every 50 rd box during practice. I'm considering getting a Volquartsen competition bolt to help alleviate the issue, and wanted to know if anyone has some good advice/thoughts they could share.

Some information:

  • I have ~1,500 rds fired through the gun
  • I only use CCI SV in match, and for practice
  • I clean the gun after every use session (thank you, Ruger Mk. IV takdown feature!)

Thank you for your help!

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Join date : 2018-01-16

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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Re: Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by Jon Eulette 2/1/2018, 1:27 pm

Volquartsen bolt is basically a copy of the Ruger bolt with a different knob on the rear and has his extractor.
Get a Volquartsen extractor and you might need feedlips on your mags bent closed slightly to better control feeding. This is what I would do if it were mine.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Re: Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by atrfod 2/1/2018, 2:04 pm

Have you disassembled and thoroughly cleaned the magazines?I've found that the preservative stuff that Ruger puts on/in them will get sticky and cause all kinds of weird problems.+1 on Jon's opinion of the bolt and extractor.-Mike


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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Re: Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by Olde Pilot 2/1/2018, 2:42 pm

Replace extractor with VQ before doing anything else. Ruger extractors are typically junk and won't last beyond a few thousand rounds anyway. Otherwise it's a great shooter for the price.

Olde Pilot

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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Re: Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by Al 2/2/2018, 4:30 am

Is the issue universal with all your magazines?  18 yrs ago, I had the same issue with one of mine, albeit not even close to your frequency. I tried this fix on my mags & it solved the stovepiping.


May or may not be your cause, but it may be worth checking out.


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Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt Empty Re: Ruger Mark IV: Thoughts on Volquartsen Comp. bolt

Post by Jon Math 2/2/2018, 9:20 am

A few guys at the club like the Mexican stuff in hard ejecting pistols, they say it’s a tiny bit shorter in overall length compared to American ammo and that seems to make the difference. 
Jon Math
Jon Math

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