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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

Post by bruce martindale 7/25/2023, 7:19 pm

Their bullets came in tubes and a case of 2000. They used to be returnable but Star is gone.

I have two boxes f the old tubes that I squirreled away. Hated to justvthrow away.

Picked up two more full cases at Perry

Thanks Rob!

bruce martindale

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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Re: Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

Post by jwax 7/26/2023, 10:00 am

Speed loaders for your tube-fed rifles?

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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Re: Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

Post by Cmysix 7/29/2023, 7:40 pm

crack pipe for hunter biden

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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Re: Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

Post by oldrifle 9/2/2023, 8:13 pm

Keep in mind that handling empty bullet casings securely is vital since they can still contain residue or gunpowder residues.


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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Re: Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

Post by RoyDean 9/2/2023, 11:13 pm

I am a non-political alien. No iron in any fire. But Cmysix comment was just funny!



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Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes? Empty Re: Is there any use for old Star bullet tubes?

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